A Little Bit About Me

Hello! Whether you are a close friend of mine (I know most of the people reading this probably are), or a stranger, I appreciate you being here. My name is Kayla and I am twenty years old. The extent of interesting things about me is this: I work at the movies and I am studying creative writing at QUT. And that’s just about it, at least for now.

It took me a long time to realise that writing is what I want my career to be. In high school I changed my mind a lot about what I wanted to be – a journalist, a World War II historian (?), photographer. I ended up dabbling a little in photography, and for a year and a bit I worked for a school photography company, travelling to schools around Queensland and northern NSW, begging children to say CHEESE! for a picture their parents paid a lot of money for.

When I was younger I used to write a lot, stories I thought were great but were eventually
forgotten about. Regretfully, my passion was forgotten about too, and before this year, the last time I can remember sitting down to write something for fun was in 2016. I don’t really have an explanation for this, as writing is something I have always enjoyed. In the later half of last year, it occurred to me that I’d been neglecting my love for writing. Hence began my university journey.

This year I completed the first year of my degree, and now have two left. Sometimes when I’m writing my little stories, or even this, I wonder who would care about what I have to say. But then I think, if John Green or Leigh Bardugo had let the same mindset stop them from writing anything, I would be very sad. And that’s not to compare any of my work to either of theirs. My writing develops with every character I create, every story I write, and every word typed onto that blank Word page. I plan to upload some of my short stories (which will most likely be my university assignments), and, ambitious though humble, I hope that you may enjoy something that you read.

I don’t have much else to add for now. I want to use this little blog space to write about
things that interest me, my dance with university, books I’m reading (find my Goodreads
here!), and anything else that’s on my mind. I hope you will have faith in me, and join me for the ride.